Refund Policy

Refund Policy

We want you to love what you buy, but on rare occasions mistakes may be made. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, call us. We promise that if your dissatisfaction is any fault of ours, we’ll offer to put it right.

If you need to cancel or alter your order please contact us immediately. We cannot cancel an order for items that have already been delivered.

While all care is taken in selecting the freshest blooms, flowers are a perishable item. All complaints must be made within 48 hours of receiving your item. We reserve the right to request a photo of the product to assist with the assessment of an offer of replacement or refund. If an item is replaced or refunded the original item must be available for return.

We are not able to provide a refund for delivery if you have provided incorrect delivery details. If the delivery details you have provided are incorrect you may be charged an additional delivery fee for redelivery to the correct address.

We comply with Australian Consumer Law in the instance of major faults/defects